Enlightening Leaders Podcast #1: Carol Soth
Woohoo! The very first official podcast of Enlightening Leaders! This podcast features an interview with Carol Soth. Carol has many years of experience supporting people to Navigate Life’s Journey through Storytelling, Mythology, Art and the Hero’s Journey. She is a co-founder and teaching artist with The Mythic Road Project, and is currently working with at-risk and incarcerated young people – helping them explore the intricacies and mystery of their own hero’s journey and create lives of meaning and purpose. Some of the topics we discuss in this podcast include:
- An introduction to the work you do with The Mythic Road
- An overview of the “Hero’s Journey”
- Metaphor, mystery and accessing the ‘big” question
- Examples from Carol’s experience working with story, art, archetypes and metaphor to support incarcerated young women to reclaim their lives
- A short guided meditation to experience how story and myth can guide and inform our lives
- Some upcoming events and resources
Contact Carol Soth: mythicroad@gmail.com
The Mythic Road Website: mythicroad.com
The Hero Round Table Conference: contact@heroroundtable.com
Joseph Campbell Foundation: www.jcf.org
The Hero’s Journey Foundation: www.herosjourneyfoundation.org