Reiki means “Universal Life Energy”. Anyone who is willing can learn to sense and direct this energy in life enriching ways. Many Reiki practitioners use Reiki in 1-1 healing sessions, or as a complimentary modality augmenting other approaches to health and wellness. Reiki improves health, strengthens the body’s energetic field around us and enhances quality of life.
In my own experience, Reiki has been an important key to energy awareness and self development. I have come to realize that it also assists me as a trainer, coach and facilitator to hold a clean and empowered space for the individuals and groups I work with. Reiki assists us to open the energetic channels within the body and to consciously expand into a more subtle way of sensing energy. I have found that this supports me to better sense the energy of my clients and the energy of the groups I teach, facilitate and coach. It allows me to self-regulate in the moment and in turn, regulate the energy of others I am working with in subtle but powerful ways.
As someone who is passionate about human potential, Reiki has been an integral part of my personal practice for more than 20 years. I travel internationally for work on a regular basis and I use Reiki to keep myself in balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It assists me to be more grounded, present and relaxed.
Because Reiki has been such an important doorway to my own development, I want to make this online program available so that you can also use Reiki to further empower yourself and others.
This online training program will certify you in the first two Reiki practitioner ‘levels’ (Reiki Practitioner Level I and II). You will learn to use Reiki for yourself and others – in person, and across time and space. We will explore the many ways that you can apply this energy personally and professionally in your life.
What’s included in the course?
✔ Level I & Level II Attunements:
A major aspect of becoming a Reiki practitioner is receiving the Reiki attunements from a Reiki Master that open energy channels in your body to support the flow of energy through you and your hands so that you can direct this energy safely.
You will receive five attunements (by distance) from me over the course of the program: Four Level I attunements; and the Level 2 attunement. You will get specific instructions once you register for the program about how to prepare and receive these beautiful and empowering attunements from the comfort of your own home.
✔ Live Online Small Group Training:
There will be 3 online Zoom group training sessions of 2.5 hours each. These sessions will cover essential Reiki practitioner “how to” information, as well as a chance to ask questions, practice and share experiences.
✔ Handbook and Materials:
You will receive a handbook and other materials which include the essential content and information covered in the course.
✔ Weekly Reiki Energy sent to you during the program:
I ‘send’ Reiki to you for the duration of the program, beginning the day before the first class and ending the day after the final live class.
✔ Certificate and Letter of Completion:
Upon completion (full attendance required) you will receive a Certificate of Completion for Reiki Level I & II as well as a letter of confirmation and congratulations.
✔ Free Ongoing Monthly ‘Reiki Group Practice Calls’ After Completion of the Training
As a way for you to stay engaged and practicing, I organize a free monthly “Reiki Group Practice Call” for all of my past students to take part in.
The best way to receive the benefits of this modality is to USE it, and I hope these calls inspire you to do just that!
The ZOOM calls are one (1) hour long, and are a chance to get reinspired, freshen your practice, answer questions that are coming up for you, share Reiki experiences, send Reiki to one another and our world.
The days and times for this call will likely vary during the year. I hope there will be some times that work with your own schedule, and you are able to join us.
Online Training Sessions – Program Outline:
In the Level I portion of the program (DAY 1), you will:
- Learn about the history of Reiki
- Learn “The Reiki Principles”
- Discuss the benefits of Reiki
- Receive the first of the Level I Reiki Attunements (by distance)
- Practice sensing energy through the hands
- Learn and practice Reiki hand positions for self-healing and healing others
- Learn the basics of ‘energetic hygiene”
- Discuss basic ethics and etiquette for Reiki practitioners
- Overview the human chakra system and learn the steps to do a Reiki “chakra balancing”
In the Level II portion of the program (DAY 2), you will:
- Receive the final Level I Reiki Attunement (by distance)
- Receive the Level II Reiki Attunement (by distance)
- Learn and practice with the Reiki II symbols
- Learn to send Reiki across distance and through time
- Learn to use a “proxy” to send Reiki over distance
- Practice distance Reiki sessions with classmates
- Discover and brainstorm other creative ways to support health and wellness using Reiki and Reiki symbols