About Kim Leischner
Hello and welcome – Thanks for your interest in my work!
I have been leading personal and professional development programs internationally for more than 25 years, and I am the creative catalyst behind the holistic empowerment programs and services offered throughout this site. I am a Master Certified Coach (International Coach Federation), Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, Certified Constellation Facilitator, Trauma Informed Coach and Reiki Master.
I specialize in training, mentoring and supporting the development and ICF (International Coach Federation www.coachfederation.org) certification of coaches internationally. I also coach individuals, groups and teams who are ready and willing to do the inner work required for positive, value-based and meaningful change.
My ICF certified advanced coach training “Coaching with Systemic Constellations” combines systemic constellations, structured solution focused approaches and the ICF competencies. I lead group and individual coach mentoring sessions for coaches at all levels ACC through to MCC.
In addition, I am a senior trainer, mentor and assessor for Erickson Coaching International. I teach Erickson’s ICF certified Level 1 and 2 “Solution-Focused” coach certification programs online and around the world; including the ICF-accredited “The Art and Science of Coaching”, “The Art and Science of Mindfulness” and “Expanding Emotional Intelligence”.
I am also a trainer, mentor and assessor for the ground breaking ICF certified Level 1 “Trauma Informed Coaching” training program, offered by Moving the Human Spirit.
Nature and the great outdoors have always been a foundational aspect of my life, and the point of origin for learning about myself, and then onward to supporting the development of others. In addition to guiding multi-day horse, ski, raft and kayak trips around the world, I also founded and operated a highly successful adventure-based outdoor education and training company in Hong Kong.
I currently reside in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. I design and deliver human development and coaching programs worldwide. Participants in my programs remember me for my energy, authentic style, commitment and passion for exploring and expanding human potential.
Professional Qualifications:
- BHk, Human Kinetics
- ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC)
- Erickson Certified Professional Coach (ECPC)
- Certified Trauma Informed Coach (TICC-MTHS)
- Certified Mindfulness Practitioner and Trainer
- Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner and Trainer
- Certificate in Deep Coaching (Advance of the Spirit)
- Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (MNLP)
- Systemic Constellation Facilitator and Trainer
- Reiki Master Teacher
- Certified Family and Couples Coach
- Certified Team Coach and Trainer
- Certificate in HR Coaching & Talent Management
- Certified Business Trainer
- Certified Professional Facilitator
Click to download Kim’s professional biography
Vision, Mission and Values
Be the Change…
I specialize in supporting leaders, coaches, teachers, facilitators and change-makers to authentically engage and develop the full potential of themselves and all those they are connected to.
My vision is to support and empower people of all backgrounds to expand their consciousness and embody their full potential through the exploration and integration of dual (head) and non-dual (heart) wisdom.
My mission is to support conscious, holistic human evolution through a range of experiential events, trainings, coaching and mentoring programs.
I have a leading role in each and every program my company engages with, and every aspect of my business is developed from a values-based approach that is:
- Holistic & Systemic
- Empowering & Developmental
- Solution-Focused, Grounded & Practical
- Fun, Adventurous & Experiential