Coach Mentoring

Inspiring a “coach-approach” everywhere!

Whether your aim is to become ICF certified, or to simply use a coaching style of communication in all the areas of your life and work, my coach mentorship sessions will expand your ability to champion the greatness in others.

As a Master Certified Coach, ICF Mentor Coach, Certified ICF Assessor, and trainer of ICF certified coach training programs, I am a leader in the field of coach development.

My group and 1-1 mentoring sessions are geared to assist you hone your skills and achieve ICF (International Coach Federation) certification, unless you express other coaching goals that you would prefer to move toward. Personalized, professional attention and standards of excellence empower you to learn and apply the coach mind-set according to your own area(s) of focus.

Private 1-1 Mentoring

1-1 mentoring sessions with me are 1 hour each and aligned with:
1) your goals as a coach, and 2) ICF standards and competencies. Sessions can be purchased in 1, 3 and 5 session packages, all to be scheduled at your own pace.

To get started, book a free 30 minute “Getting Started Session” with me so that we can meet each other; explore possibilities; clarify your goals, and determine how we might best move forward.

Group Mentoring Sessions

Group Mentoring Sessions are a lively, interactive and economical way to develop your coaching skills. My group mentoring sessions are 2 hours per session, with a maximum of 6 participants. The sessions focus on skill development through the ICF competencies and align with ICF standards.

You can use up to 7 hours of group mentor coaching towards the 10 hours of total mentoring needed to apply or recertify your ICF credential. Did you also know that you can apply up to 10 hours of mentoring towards the 40 hours of CCEs needed to recertify your credential every 3 years? You can!

Participants have shared that the cross pollination of different levels and abilities in the group makes our sessions even more dynamic and enriching. So for that reason, coaches aiming for ACC through to MCC are welcome to attend any of dates that work for you!

Register for each date individually by clicking on the dates you wish to register for below:

(Registration closes 24 hours prior to scheduled date.)

August 20, 2024 (9-11am Pacific)

Erickson International

Mentoring for your Erickson International Coach Training Program Requirements (ICF Level 1 and 2 Mentor Bundle)

If you are registered in an Erickson International ( coach training program, and want to book mentor sessions with me as a part of your completion requirements, click here to schedule a 1 hour ‘Erickson Mentor Session’ with me.

Note: You may schedule more than one session at a time (as defined by your Erickson program requirements), but please allow yourself enough time and space for additional coaching practice and integration between our sessions.

Click here to schedule a 2 hour ‘Double Erickson Mentor Session’ with me and your Erickson classmate.

Our sessions are one hour each, generally unfolding in this way:

  • 5 minutes getting clear what areas you have been intentionally working on, and what kind of feedback you are looking for during our session.
  • 30 minutes listening to your recording (and if you wish, using a live chat area to provide real time feedback as we listen, such as: what is working well, coaching competencies to observe and develop fluency with, alternative question patterns that could be drawn from in future sessions, etc).
  • 20 minutes of debriefing, starting with you sharing your observations, learning and questions, followed by me adding to this based on your requested areas of focus.
  • 5 minutes defining specific intentions for further integration and practice.

Additional Information:

  • Once scheduled, you will receive a Zoom link for us to connect at the time of our meeting.
  • Please upload your 30-45 minute coaching session recording before we meet, in the Erickson Academy: If you have a transcript of your session, please upload that as well.
  • You may record the debrief portion of our session for future review using the Zoom platform when we meet (this requires a laptop or desktop computer – iPhone/iPad/Smartphone and Chromebook will not work for recording our Zoom session).
  • You will also receive written feedback around key ICF competencies, and Erickson Proficiencies to support the biggest positive impact on your coaching, overall.
  • Written feedback from our sessions will be ready for you to download within 48 hours of our session.

If you have any additional questions regarding mentoring, please contact me.

Click here to schedule an Erickson Coaching 60 minute mentor session with me.

Moving the Human Spirit

Mentoring for your Moving the Human Spirit – Trauma Informed Coaching Program Requirements (ICF Level 1 Mentor Coaching Program)

If you are registered in a Moving the Human Spirit mentor program (ICF Level 1 – Trauma Informed Coach Certification, and want to book mentor sessions with me as a part of your completion requirements, Click here to schedule a 1 hour ‘MTHS/TICC Mentor Session’ with me.

Note: You may schedule more than one session at a time (as defined by your MTHS/TICC program requirements), but please allow yourself enough time and space for additional coaching practice and integration between our sessions.

Our sessions are one hour each, generally unfolding in this way:

  • 5 minutes getting clear what areas you have been intentionally working on, and what kind of feedback you are looking for during our session.
  • 30 minutes listening to your recording (and if you wish, using a live chat area to provide real time feedback as we listen, such as: what is working well, coaching competencies to observe and develop fluency with, alternative question patterns that could be drawn
    from in future sessions, etc).
  • 20 minutes of debriefing, starting with you sharing your observations, learning and questions, followed by me adding to this based on your requested areas of focus.
  • 5 minutes defining specific intentions for further integration and practice.

Additional Information:

  • Once scheduled, you will receive a Zoom link for us to connect at the time of our meeting
  • Please send me your 30-45 minute recording via www.wetransfer,, or another file sharing service before our session date. If you have a transcript of your session, please upload that as well.
  • If you would like us to use Raenotes to support our sessions, please let me know at least 1 week in advance in order give me adequate to preparation time.
  • You may record the debrief portion of our session for future review using the Zoom platform when we meet (this requires a laptop or desktop computer – iPhone/iPad/Smartphone and Chromebook will not work for recording our Zoom session.
  • You will also receive written feedback around key ICF competencies, and MTHS Methodology to support the biggest overall impact on your coaching.
  • Written feedback from our sessions will be emailed to you within 48 hours of our session.

If you have any additional questions regarding mentoring, please contact me.

Click here to schedule a ‘MTHS/TICC 60 minute mentor session with me.